{"rowid": 405, "locationid": 947809, "Applicant": {"value": 66, "label": "Park's Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 10927000, "LocationDescription": "RANKIN ST: DAVIDSON AVE to EVANS AVE (200 - 299)", "Address": "220 RANKIN ST", "blocklot": "5215016", "block": {"value": 269, "label": "5215"}, "lot": "016", "permit": "17MFF-0153", "Status": {"value": 5, "label": "APPROVED"}, "FoodItems": "Cold Truck: Hamburger: cheeseburgers: hot dogs: hot sandwiches: cold sandwiches: egg muffins: cup of noodles: corn dogs: canned soup: coffee: hot cocoa: hot tea: gatorade: juice: milk: soda: water: fruits: fruit salad: rice pudding: yogurt: candy bars: chips: cookies: donuts: granola bars: muffins", "X": 6014805.5139999995, "Y": 2099795.201, "Latitude": 37.746469788114794, "Longitude": -122.39151523877199, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=17MFF-0153&ExportPDF=1&Filename=17MFF-0153_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:8AM-9AM/12PM-1PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": "03/13/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Received": "2017-03-13", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2018 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7464697881148, -122.391515238772)"}