{"rowid": 85, "locationid": 559779, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 4083000, "LocationDescription": "CLAY ST: BATTERY ST to SANSOME ST (400 - 499)", "Address": "432 CLAY ST", "blocklot": "0206006", "block": {"value": 72, "label": "0206"}, "lot": "006", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6012459.069, "Y": 2117555.691, "Latitude": 37.7951055609814, "Longitude": -122.400876633726, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:7AM-8AM/10AM-11AM/12PM-1PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7951055609814, -122.400876633726)"} {"rowid": 77, "locationid": 559771, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 10477000, "LocationDescription": "PINE ST: POLK ST to VAN NESS AVE (1500 - 1599)", "Address": "1540 PINE ST", "blocklot": "0646005", "block": {"value": 65, "label": "0646"}, "lot": "005", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6006569.835, "Y": 2115753.4930000002, "Latitude": 37.789826918763296, "Longitude": -122.42112628905599, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:10AM-11AM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7898269187633, -122.421126289056)"} {"rowid": 81, "locationid": 559777, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 131000, "LocationDescription": "02ND ST: JESSIE ST to MISSION ST (69 - 99)", "Address": "85 02ND ST", "blocklot": "3708019", "block": {"value": 4, "label": "3708"}, "lot": "019", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6012696.635, "Y": 2115129.488, "Latitude": 37.788457028828894, "Longitude": -122.399884160566, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:7AM-8AM/10AM-11AM/12PM-1PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7884570288289, -122.399884160566)"} {"rowid": 87, "locationid": 559789, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 5178000, "LocationDescription": "ELLIS ST: LARKIN ST to POLK ST (700 - 799)", "Address": "730 ELLIS ST", "blocklot": "0717006", "block": {"value": 74, "label": "0717"}, "lot": "006", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6007315.572000001, "Y": 2113769.269, "Latitude": 37.7844207368995, "Longitude": -122.418405351782, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:10AM-11AM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7844207368995, -122.418405351782)"} {"rowid": 80, "locationid": 559774, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 144000, "LocationDescription": "02ND ST: FEDERAL ST to SOUTH PARK (519 - 548)", "Address": "544 02ND ST", "blocklot": "3775005", "block": {"value": 68, "label": "3775"}, "lot": "005", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6014572.797, "Y": 2112894.0930000003, "Latitude": 37.7824235632947, "Longitude": -122.393236399398, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:7AM-8AM/10AM-11AM/11AM-12PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7824235632947, -122.393236399398)"} {"rowid": 83, "locationid": 559773, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 5073000, "LocationDescription": "EDDY ST: STEINER ST to PIERCE ST (1600 - 1699)", "Address": "1652 EDDY ST", "blocklot": "0730 044", "block": {"value": 70, "label": "0730"}, "lot": "044", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6002540.818, "Y": 2112839.086, "Latitude": 37.781596745760204, "Longitude": -122.43485778844, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:11AM-12PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7815967457602, -122.43485778844)"} {"rowid": 76, "locationid": 559787, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 8848000, "LocationDescription": "MASONIC AVE: MCALLISTER ST to FULTON ST (500 - 599)", "Address": "599 MASONIC AVE", "blocklot": "1108 012", "block": {"value": 64, "label": "1108"}, "lot": "012", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 5998797.751680001, "Y": 2112598.57865, "Latitude": 37.7807231475444, "Longitude": -122.447789640478, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:9AM-10AM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7807231475444, -122.447789640478)"} {"rowid": 79, "locationid": 559782, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 9101000, "LocationDescription": "MISSION ST: 07TH ST to ANGELOS ALY \\ JULIA ST (1100 - 1165)", "Address": "1118 MISSION ST", "blocklot": "3702032", "block": {"value": 67, "label": "3702"}, "lot": "032", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6009238.199, "Y": 2111812.954, "Latitude": 37.7791572053411, "Longitude": -122.411615430519, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:12PM-1PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7791572053411, -122.411615430519)"} {"rowid": 72, "locationid": 559775, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 8848000, "LocationDescription": "MASONIC AVE: MCALLISTER ST to FULTON ST (500 - 599)", "Address": "500 MASONIC AVE", "blocklot": "1175018", "block": {"value": 61, "label": "1175"}, "lot": "018", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 5999194.35773, "Y": 2111070.4801, "Latitude": 37.776550042819096, "Longitude": -122.446307635558, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:6AM-7AM/11AM-12PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7765500428191, -122.446307635558)"} {"rowid": 89, "locationid": 559778, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 12678000, "LocationDescription": "TREAT AVE: DIVISION ST \\ FLORIDA ST to ALAMEDA ST (1 - 99)", "Address": "Assessors Block 3902/Lot002", "blocklot": "3902002", "block": {"value": 75, "label": "3902"}, "lot": "002", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6009046.271000001, "Y": 2107865.259, "Latitude": 37.7683069928, "Longitude": -122.41200033609199, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:7AM-8AM/10AM-11AM/12PM-1PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7683069928, -122.412000336092)"} {"rowid": 84, "locationid": 559772, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 13064000, "LocationDescription": "VALENCIA ST: 18TH ST to 19TH ST (700 - 799)", "Address": "740 VALENCIA ST", "blocklot": "3588006", "block": {"value": 71, "label": "3588"}, "lot": "006", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6006152.35, "Y": 2105247.76, "Latitude": 37.7609571682785, "Longitude": -122.421824199358, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:11AM-12PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7609571682785, -122.421824199358)"} {"rowid": 82, "locationid": 559788, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 1177000, "LocationDescription": "22ND ST: SAN BRUNO AVE to UTAH ST (2400 - 2449)", "Address": "2401 22ND ST", "blocklot": "4154001", "block": {"value": 69, "label": "4154"}, "lot": "001", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6010945.915, "Y": 2103212.154, "Latitude": 37.7556370098323, "Longitude": -122.405101930379, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:10AM-11AM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7556370098323, -122.405101930379)"} {"rowid": 86, "locationid": 559783, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 9058000, "LocationDescription": "MINNESOTA ST: 23RD ST to 24TH ST (1200 - 1299)", "Address": "1240 MINNESOTA ST", "blocklot": "4228015", "block": {"value": 73, "label": "4228"}, "lot": "015", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6015191.235, "Y": 2102753.826, "Latitude": 37.7546149514892, "Longitude": -122.39038813202, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:1PM-2PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7546149514892, -122.39038813202)"} {"rowid": 73, "locationid": 559781, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 2488201, "LocationDescription": "CESAR CHAVEZ ST: SOUTH VAN NESS AVE to CAPP ST \\ MISSION ST (3300 - 3398) -- NORTH --", "Address": "3300 CESAR CHAVEZ ST", "blocklot": "6571011", "block": {"value": 62, "label": "6571"}, "lot": "011", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6007693.812999999, "Y": 2100697.425, "Latitude": 37.7485497942591, "Longitude": -122.416170662008, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:8AM-9AM/11AM-12PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7485497942591, -122.416170662008)"} {"rowid": 91, "locationid": 559784, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 4614000, "LocationDescription": "DAVIDSON AVE: QUINT ST to RANKIN ST (1500 - 1599)", "Address": "1580 DAVIDSON AVE", "blocklot": "5216029", "block": {"value": 76, "label": "5216"}, "lot": "029", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6015031.248, "Y": 2099507.747, "Latitude": 37.7456930261204, "Longitude": -122.390714584821, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:2PM-3PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7456930261204, -122.390714584821)"} {"rowid": 75, "locationid": 559785, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 3376000, "LocationDescription": "BURKE AVE: END to 03RD ST (1500 - 1599)", "Address": "1570 BURKE AVE", "blocklot": "5203066", "block": {"value": 63, "label": "5203"}, "lot": "066", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 6016479.9436099995, "Y": 2099135.86798, "Latitude": 37.7447521916164, "Longitude": -122.385679248721, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:2PM-3PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7447521916164, -122.385679248721)"} {"rowid": 78, "locationid": 559780, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 12583000, "LocationDescription": "THOMAS MORE WAY: BROTHERHOOD WAY \\ CHUMASERO DR to END (1 - 99)", "Address": "1 THOMAS MORE WAY", "blocklot": "7380027", "block": {"value": 66, "label": "7380"}, "lot": "027", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": 5991430.02662, "Y": 2086996.77488, "Latitude": 37.7100033342894, "Longitude": -122.471411913129, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:7AM-8AM/10AM-11AM/12PM-1PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7100033342894, -122.471411913129)"} {"rowid": 74, "locationid": 559786, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 7033000, "LocationDescription": "HOWARD ST: 01ST ST to MALDEN ALY (500 - 589)", "Address": "501 HOWARD ST", "blocklot": "3736001", "block": {"value": 10, "label": "3736"}, "lot": "001", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": null, "Y": null, "Latitude": 0.0, "Longitude": 0.0, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:6AM-7AM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(0, 0)"} {"rowid": 88, "locationid": 559776, "Applicant": {"value": 35, "label": "Mang Hang Catering"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 9094000, "LocationDescription": "MISSION ST: ANNIE ST to 03RD ST (663 - 699)", "Address": "690 MISSION ST", "blocklot": "3707024", "block": {"value": 22, "label": "3707"}, "lot": "024", "permit": "14MFF-0109", "Status": {"value": 2, "label": "EXPIRED"}, "FoodItems": "COLD TRUCK. Deli: bbq chicken skewer: Chinese spring roll: Chinese fried rice/noodle: fried chicken leg/wing: bbq chicken sandwich: chicken cheese burger: burrito: lumpia. Snack: sunflower seeds: muffins: chips: snickers: kit-kat: 10 types of chocolate. Drinks: Coke: 7-Up: Dr. Pepper: Pepsi: Redbull: Vitamin Water: Rockstar: Coconut Juice: Water. Hot drinks: coffee: tea.", "X": null, "Y": null, "Latitude": 0.0, "Longitude": 0.0, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=14MFF-0109&ExportPDF=1&Filename=14MFF-0109_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:7AM-8AM/10AM-11AM/12PM-1PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2014-07-10", "PriorPermit": 1, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(0, 0)"}