{"rowid": 1347, "Title": {"value": 242, "label": "The Dead Pool"}, "Release Year": {"value": 23, "label": 1988}, "Locations": "Washington Square Park (North Beach)", "Fun Facts": "Washington Square Park is not actually a square, as it has 5 sides. North Beach is not a beach. The statue in the Park is Ben Franklin, not George Washington.", "Production Company": {"value": 38, "label": "Warner Bros. Pictures"}, "Distributor": {"value": 6, "label": "Warner Bros. Pictures"}, "Director": {"value": 199, "label": "Buddy Van Horn"}, "Writer": {"value": 71, "label": "Harry Julian Fink"}, "Actor 1": {"value": 295, "label": "Clint Eastwood"}, "Actor 2": {"value": 186, "label": "Liam Neeson"}, "Actor 3": {"value": 527, "label": "Patricia Clarkson"}}