{"rowid": 53, "locationid": 848184, "Applicant": {"value": 24, "label": "Reecees Soulicious"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 2799106, "LocationDescription": "BAY SHORE BLVD: END to OAKDALE AVE (185 - 299) -- EAST --", "Address": "201 BAY SHORE BLVD", "blocklot": "5559021", "block": {"value": 46, "label": "5559"}, "lot": "021", "permit": "16MFF-0139", "Status": {"value": 1, "label": "REQUESTED"}, "FoodItems": "Fried Chicken: Fried Fish: Greens: Mac & Cheese: Peach Cobbler: and String beans", "X": 6011355.555, "Y": 2099442.374, "Latitude": 37.7453089086563, "Longitude": -122.40342005999901, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=16MFF-0139&ExportPDF=1&Filename=16MFF-0139_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-We:7AM-7PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2016-09-08", "PriorPermit": 0, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7453089086563, -122.403420059999)"} {"rowid": 54, "locationid": 848185, "Applicant": {"value": 24, "label": "Reecees Soulicious"}, "FacilityType": {"value": 1, "label": "Truck"}, "cnn": 211101, "LocationDescription": "03RD ST: NEWCOMB AVE to OAKDALE AVE (4701 - 4799) -- EAST --", "Address": "4705 03RD ST", "blocklot": "5311036", "block": {"value": 47, "label": "5311"}, "lot": "036", "permit": "16MFF-0139", "Status": {"value": 1, "label": "REQUESTED"}, "FoodItems": "Fried Chicken: Fried Fish: Greens: Mac & Cheese: Peach Cobbler: and String beans", "X": 6015109.357999999, "Y": 2095613.38, "Latitude": 37.7350042289514, "Longitude": -122.39017246969999, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=16MFF-0139&ExportPDF=1&Filename=16MFF-0139_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Th/Fr/Sa:7AM-7PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2016-09-08", "PriorPermit": 0, "ExpirationDate": "03/15/2017 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7350042289514, -122.3901724697)"}