{"rowid": 170, "locationid": 934559, "Applicant": {"value": 45, "label": "The Sandwich Stand, LLC."}, "FacilityType": {"value": 2, "label": "Push Cart"}, "cnn": 8627000, "LocationDescription": "MAIN ST: MARKET ST to MISSION ST (1 - 99)", "Address": "58 MAIN ST", "blocklot": "3711005", "block": {"value": 142, "label": "3711"}, "lot": "005", "permit": "17MFF-0108", "Status": {"value": 1, "label": "REQUESTED"}, "FoodItems": "Vietnamese sandwiches: spring rolls: bottle water: can soda: chicken and shrimp rice noodles: rice with chicken: chicken salad: noodle soup.", "X": 6013902.41, "Y": 2116435.193, "Latitude": 37.792109338609, "Longitude": -122.39580386550199, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=17MFF-0108&ExportPDF=1&Filename=17MFF-0108_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Mo-Fr:8AM-5PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2017-02-13", "PriorPermit": 0, "ExpirationDate": "05/02/2018 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.792109338609, -122.395803865502)"} {"rowid": 592, "locationid": 934558, "Applicant": {"value": 45, "label": "The Sandwich Stand, LLC."}, "FacilityType": {"value": 2, "label": "Push Cart"}, "cnn": 24685000, "LocationDescription": "SANSOME ST: CALIFORNIA ST intersection", "Address": "351 CALIFORNIA ST", "blocklot": "0261010A", "block": {"value": 37, "label": "0261"}, "lot": "010A", "permit": "17MFF-0107", "Status": {"value": 3, "label": "INACTIVE"}, "FoodItems": "Vietnamese sandwiches: spring rolls: bottle water: can soda: chicken and shrimp rice noodles: rice with chicken: chicken salad: noodle soup.", "X": 6012479.848999999, "Y": 2116741.356, "Latitude": 37.7928707497415, "Longitude": -122.400747494077, "Schedule": "http://bsm.sfdpw.org/PermitsTracker/reports/report.aspx?title=schedule&report=rptSchedule¶ms=permit=17MFF-0107&ExportPDF=1&Filename=17MFF-0107_schedule.pdf", "dayshours": "Tu/We:8AM-5PM", "NOISent": null, "Approved": null, "Received": "2017-02-13", "PriorPermit": 0, "ExpirationDate": "05/02/2018 12:00:00 AM", "Location": "(37.7928707497415, -122.400747494077)"}